Net Survey is an exceptional tool which designs a simple or complex questionnaire and transforms it into HTML format for diffusion by an Internet or Intranet server. |
Net Survey equires no special installation for the server. The responses from the people questioned are sent back by return mail and are automatically analysed, then added to the response file in the Ethnos format. They can also be transferred to other formats, i.e. ASCII (fixed or limited), Dbase, Paradox etc.
The addressee option allows you to manage databases of addressees for surveys. This allows you to send surveys by e-mail, personally addressed to respondents, or to notify them by fax or e-mail, indicating the availability of the survey on an Internet or Intranet server. As the surveys are completed and returned, the system links each addressee with their responses so that you can keep track of the returns and chase up any missing surveys.
Net Survey can of course directly load a questionnaire created by Ethnos and transform it into a HTML file. The data, having been retrieved and stored in the Ethnos format, can immediately be analysed and transformed into results tables and graphs. Any recurring processes can be done automatically using Ethnos's system of statfolios.
Also available is our Net Survey server, a complete server especially designed for Windows Server (2000, 2003 and 2008)